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The Soul Retrieval Process

Soul Retrieval is a powerful spiritual practice that heals soul loss. From a shamanic perspective, soul loss is a common cause of illness. Traditionally, a shamanic practitioner would conduct a soul retrieval within 3 days of someone experienced a trauma, however, nowadays practitioners seek lost soul parts that are willing to return from any point in life.


Due to any, painful, traumatic experiences in our earlier life, a piece of our soul can leave us in that event. Then those separated soul pieces tend to hide as a result of that experience too and our lives start to feel fragmented, creating a feeling of loss of wholeness within.


Soul Retrieval is an integration process, helping the return of the soul pieces from their hiding, and helping us to reunite. The returned soul pieces usually are coming back bringing a gift for us. While in hiding, they got stronger and were able to grow spiritually. Hence, when they return they bring and give us a gift.  The gift given helps us to be able to live our life fuller, on a happier note.


It is a process as to how to help ourselves to call back and eventually to have backed all of our lost soul pieces.

The Soul only can be whole and complete on a deeper level or in more full if and when this re-integration process is able to happen. All of our fragmented soul pieces will be eventually returned to us.


Hence, this re-integration process, when eventually all of our lost soul pieces will have returned to us, creates the experience of the Wholeness of our Being!


It is important to be active in one’s own healing, but an active part is generally essential once the soul is returned to you. The soul retrieval itself is very much about receiving, so whether you engage the assistance of a shamanic practitioner or not, don’t forget this essential component.

When performing soul retrieval, the shamanic practitioner will create a sacred space for you.  This space is one where you are held in a container or love, and one that protects you from the interference of the outside world. If you become vulnerable during the soul retrieval, the shamanic practitioner protects that vulnerability. It isn’t easy to do this for oneself, -and- perform the soul retrieval, -and- drum, -and- be receiving… you get the idea.

Soul Retrieval is done through a guided visualization process in the altered state of consciousness.  Where the practitioner after been explained the whole course of events of the guided journey to the client and received a consent of doing so,  will help the client to reach an altered state of consciousness and the whole progress of it will be recorded while the client is working with themselves.


The client will revisit, briefly, the original wound, which caused the soul piece to go into hiding; will collect the old contract made at the time of the loss and will correct, change the old contract into a new one, more life-giving, and life helping one. And the new contract will be ingrained into their sub-conscious conditioning with the Psych-k method, as for how to change their subconscious beliefs. They will meet with their Power Animal and with their lost soul piece.

They will ask the soul piece to return with them to their everyday life.

If they received the permission from their soul piece that it will return to them and under what conditions? - The client asked to put out their intent to do so in their lives from then on…

The client will return with everything together, the soul piece, the power animal and the corrected contract, now with everything together, into the awake, everyday consciousness through by being guided back from the Underworld.

The tools achieved, help them to continue to benefit from their assistance in the later parts of their life!

From the time of their lost soul piece now had returned to them, the integration process of that lost soul piece can and will start to happen.

The aid of their power animal helps to make this integration process easier, and faster.

And all of this information is recorded for the client.


When the client had achieved their goal, which was stated and recorded even before their altered state conscious state by being put out their intent for it, the client will be guided back into this reality, into the awake, everyday normal wakeful consciousness.


The recorded info will be given to the client and their attention will be called to the fact, that they need to nurture the returned soul piece in order that the reintegration process will be able fully to happen, come into being, as it will take some more time even after when the particular soul retrieval process had finished.



What is needed to do after when the Soul piece had returned?

Celebrate the joyous return to yourself!                                                                          In indigenous cultures with active shamans, you would not be without your soul pieces for very long. The soul retrieval healing would often be accompanied by celebration or a joyous welcome from family members. In today’s culture, however, an entire lifetime can go by before certain pieces come home.  The soul retrieval can seem a bit like the return of the prodigal son. However you feel about it, it's important to celebrate the return of your vital essence back to where it belongs – in the same way, we would celebrate the return of a long lost loved one.

People’s reactions after their soul retrieval are very varied. You are unique and so is your returning soul. Soul retrieval means different things to different people.  It's important not to have any preconceived notions about what you might feel. Some people feel great joy, some people sadness, some people feel fuller, some people feel lighter, some people feel nothing… there is no ‘one’ or ‘right’ way.

Some of the benefits that have been experienced by people who have received soul retrieval include:

A greater ability to make decisions in life;

A sense of being more present in life;

The ability to move past an issue that previously could not;

The beginning of a new growth or healing process;

An ability to begin dealing with grief.

Some healers will tell you what gifts your soul is bringing back to you.

In my opinion, as it helps the client to have the ability of a returned hope to have, or confidence in themselves, I believe in the importance of guiding them to find and bring back their gift, from their Soul retrieval.

The practitioner cannot tell you in advance what will come out from the soul retrieval, what will be its result. However, it is important to call the client’s attention to the fact, that, it is possible that the soul retrieval will complete a healing process, but it is also possible that it will begin the work of new healing and new growing.

It's important to be open.  Openness helps you fully receive your soul part back and allows you to notice anything new you need to bring into your life. Perhaps you need to have more fun to meet the needs of the returned piece of yourself, perhaps you need to go outside more, and perhaps you need to give yourself a period of introspection after the soul retrieval has occurred. Perhaps the soul retrieval was just the last of a missing piece in your healing process. You must listen to yourself if you are to allow healing changes into your life. You must care for yourself as you would a newborn, and give yourself whatever you find is needed now that this gift has returned.

Don’t be afraid to ask for the help of a counselor or therapist.  If you are unsure about mentioning soul retrieval, you can always tell them you feel like you reclaimed a part of yourself recently and aren’t sure what to do.  Therapists understand that concept regardless of whether or not they believe in soul retrieval itself.

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